Most Worshipful Grand Master Aides Bertoldo da Silva and his team, participates in Belém-PA at the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly, on July 10th to 15th, 2010.
The Masonic Grand Lodge of the State of Para is a sovereign and independent organization, with government and ritualistic and administrative responsibility. Does not divide its authority and sovereignty and is not a subject of the rule or control of any other Masonic Power, domestic or foreign.
Thus constituted, in the interest of better government of the Masons Fraternity, with a general representation and equitable, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Para has, as principles, the love to God, Brazil, to the humanity and Family, and as goal, to propagate and preach tolerance, respect and brotherly love, that guarantee freedom of conscience and free expression of thought within moral and obedience to the laws of the country, which will, with virtue and wisdom, shall achieve the lofty ideal Masonic - the Universal Peace, the gathering of the world people.
As supreme administrative and liturgical authority, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Pará is the only power from where the Laws and Rules reside for all the Masons and Lodges Government in their jurisdiction. So too, only can change, revoke or annul these laws and rules, always, however, respecting the Constitutions of Anderson, the Old Bonds, the Landmarks and the Laws of Symbolism.