Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The CONFEDERATION OF SYMBOLIC MASONRY OF BRAZIL - CMSB consisted of 27 Grand Lodges, which bring together over 100,000 Masons distributed in Masonic Lodges located throughout the country, met in its XXXIX General Assembly in Belem - Para, calls for the Brazilian People , so that united, continue in the uncompromising defense of ethics, morality and national sovereignty, proposing, moreover the:

1. Permanent guarantee of press freedom, as the foundation of the democratic state of law;

2. Conscious exercise of voting rights, away from the political scene candidates are not committed with the decorum necessary for the performance of the public;

3. Observance of environmental protection adequate to ensure sustainable development and quality of life;

4. Combating extremist groups existing within the country, demanding immediate action of the constituted authorities, ending their illicit activities and, finally,

5. Need to implement effective actions to confront the spread of drugs, crime and defense to youth, to reduce the lamentable state of insecurity that pervades Brazilian society.

Belem, July 15, 2010


Grand Master of the M.'.W.'. Grand Lodge of the State of Para
and President of the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ball ends the CMSB XXXIX Assembly programming in Para

The Ball of Closure of CMSB 2010 is taking place now (21:41) in the event space of the Paraense Assembly. The last hours of fraternization between participants from across the country are being marked by an atmosphere of joy, fellowship and relaxation.

Tomorrow morning the delegations will return to their states, carrying in their luggage the unforgettable memories of the days that were received by the Brethrens with a spirit so hospitable and a friendly and receptive as the paraenses are.

In the next issue of the Journal of Gleg will be published a full report on all of the CMSB XXXIX programming.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Morning works on the last day of the XXXIX CMSB Assembly

At 8:30 a.m. in the Para Hall of the Convention Center, was opened the 9th and penultimate Plenary Session of the Grand Masters. In the Marajó II Hall, all Secretaries om Foreign Affairs are now (10:58) voting the Seminar Report.

Just now finished the conference held by the Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina, Wilson Filomeno on "Beginnings of Masonry and Scottish Rite." Earlier, at the parallel seminars opening, in the Auditorium of the Hangar, Brethren Ricardo Albuquerque, of the Grand Lodge of Para, spoke about "Rehabilitation of Masonry in Power."

The next conference will be presented by Grand Lodge of Acre Past Grand Master, Brethren Luiz Saraiva Corrêa, with the theme "Modernization of Freemasonry - New Times."

Yesterday the plenary day of the Assembly was very productive. The Grand Masters decided the host of the 2012 Assembly, in the city of Rio Branco in Acre state, knowing that in 2011 will be in Aracaju, Sergipe.

Among other matters agreed to stand we mention:

1 - Action of Unconstitutionality on the treaty between the Brazilian state and the Vatican State, and must begin in primary and secondary the education in Brazil for the Study of Religion Catholic and other if they wish. Our struggle is to keep our secular state, Masonic achievement since the proclamation of the republic by the Freemason Deodoro da Fonseca, maintaining religious freedom in Brazil and away from the state bond with the religions.

2 - The fight for the assessment of the Prosecutor's office for acting against Nazi groups existing in our country, already so well displayed and explained by Veja Magazine, and the risk we run with this fact if we do not take any position.

The schedule of the afternoon this Thursday (15/07) is free. At 21:00 will take place the traditional gathering of the Ball Closure.


Most Worshipful Grand Master Aides Bertoldo da Silva and his team, participates in Belém-PA at the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly, on July 10th to 15th, 2010.

Source: GLMEES

National Grand Master participates at CMSB XXXIX

Gathered in Belém, the Grand Masters of the Masonic Grand Lodges of Brazil followed on Mondey morning, July 12, the presentation of the 2010/2011 report of the Supreme Council of DeMolay for the Federative Republic of Brazil - SCODRFB - , bringing the growth numbers of DeMolay Brazil. "As agreed at the CMSB XXXVIII (Symbolic Masonry Confederation of Brazil), in Goiania, last year, our Brethren Guilherme Augusto Aguiar, Past National Grand Master, accompanies us in the 2010 event, introducing us to the Grand Masters," indicated the National Grand Master - GMN - Carlos Eduardo Braga Farias. The CMSB XXXIX Assembly began last Saturday in Belem and continues until 15th of July and brings together the Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries on Foreign Affairs from all over Brazil, Masons and their families that participate in the debate theses and conferences throughout the lineup.
Excepting the Past National Grand Master, Farias was accompanied by Deputy Grand Master of the State of Pará, Paulo Henrique de Athayde Pereira, and the SCODRFB Chairman of the Budget and Finance, Jose Pereira Brito. In its report, the National Grand Master remembered the fundamental support of Freemasonry for the development of DeMolay and the constant assistance of CMSB and the Supreme Council of 33rd Degree of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Federative Republic of Brazil in the work of the Supreme Council. "I would also like to thank the participation of the Grand Masters of the Distrito Federal, Rondonia and Mato Grosso do Sul, which participated at the VI CNOD," said the GMN.

Among the topics discussed, the Supreme Council updated the representatives of Grand Lodges on the status of cases involving trademark DeMolay and the granting of rights in Brazil. Talking about the achievements of last year, the GMN highlighted the entry of three Brazilian representatives in the International Supreme Council, a situation unprecedented in the history of DeMolay in Brazil and worldwide. "The presence of Americans in our National Congress once again showed their trust by DeMolay International in our work. DeMolay Leaders of the world were very pleased with the progress of the Order in the country," said Farias.

Among the projects developed, Farias presented the DeMolay Passport, the DeMolay Brazil Magazine, the acquisition program of the headquarters of the Supreme Council and the sanction of the law that created the National Day of DeMolay, with warm applause after the final pronouncement. "Many Grand Masters reached out to congratulate the directions that the DeMolay is taking and that's a huge satisfaction for us all," said the GMN. Although only will happen in late July 2011, Farias took the opportunity to invite the Grand Masters to participate at the VII CNOD in the city of Tramandaí, on the coast of Rio Grande Do Sul.

Fuente: DeMolay Brasil

Typical dinner Paraense marks the lineup this Wednesday night at CMSB XXXIX

The dinner is taking place (20:45) at Hangar do Centro de Convenções de Belém do Pará. On the penultimate day of the CMSB programming, the hospitable spirit of openness of the paraense Brethrens are starting to be missed among the participants of the Assembly. The Grand Lodge of the host State has prepared everything with much quality, starting with the decor, the music and the menu.

Being a state belonging to the Amazon region, the typical foods of Pará means that blend with the neighboring states, but the most traditional in cooking are:
  • Duck in tucupi: Tucupi is a yellow broth taken from the cassava is cooked for a week and then roasting the duck is still cooked in the tucupi and served with white rice, manioc flour and jambu.
  • Maniçoba Do tupi Maní, Amaranth, Tacacá, Vatapá and Chiba.
Some fish and shellfish commonly used in the Para cuisine are: Pirarucu, Tambaqui, Tamuatá, Peacock Bass, Dorado, Hake, Mackerel, Piramutaba, Traíra, Pacu and Piranha. One of the best-known dishes in the state is Tucupi temperado and Tacacá. Faced with such diversity, the guests are making a real gastronomic tour in a typical dinner that purposely takes the name of "Night Flavor of the Earth."

The Grand Lodge of the State of Pará website discloses programming the CMSB in partnership with the International News Agency

The Grand Lodge of the State of Pará was integrated into the system for transmitting information of all the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly programming by means of the News Agency established in Brazil in 2009 through a partnership between the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás and the main Masonic News Agency of the world, APMR.

Understanding the importance of global communication in this beginning of century, and the preoccupation of getting all the details of the CMSB programming to the Universe of Masons spread across all continents, our Brethrens from Para are also communicating all the Assembly program on their website through the international correspondence of APMR in Brazil.

Check it out!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Conference on deforestation in Amazonia opens the programming of the fourth day of work of the CMSB XXXIX

The conference was open right now (9:00 a.m.) by the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly Prensident, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Para, Brethren José Nazareno Nogueira Lima. At the opening attended all 27 Grand Masters participants at the Assembly, Masons and profane public.

With the theme "Amazon without deforestation and fires: a horrible horizon?", Alfredo Kingo Oyoma Homma, Doctor in Agronomy at the Federal University of Viçosa-MG is speaking at this time (9:50 a.m.). The conference takes place in the Auditorium of the Centro de Convenções do Pará.

In the Marajó II Hall take place the 7th Session of the Grand Masters and in the Marajó Hall, the Secretaries on Foreign Affairs also participate in a plenary session.

All speakers will have the afternoon free and can delight with a typical "Noite Sabor da Terra" dinner at 19:00 at the Hangar do Centro de Conveções.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

City Tour marks the third day of the reunion of CMSB XXXIX in Para

The delegations left the hotel in the morning (8:30). In the bus the joy and fun took over the ride. The first stop was at Forte do Presépio, built by the Portuguese. On the way the delegations visited the Casa das Onze Janelas, the Metropolitan Church ofBelem, the Espaço São José Liberto, the Museum of Gems, the House of Craftsmen and Pólo Joalheiro.

At each stop the tour guides told some of the history of the site, while the visitors took pictures and bought souvenirs. Another well-known tourist spot visited was the imposing Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Nazaré. Finishing the ride the delegations visited the Parque da Residência. At this time (13.15) all participate at a brotherly reunion at a steakhouse in town.

Diário do Pará speaks about the CMSB General Assembly

The family, with its challenges and its importance in society, was the subject of the first two conferences held yesterday in Belem, as part of the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly of the National Conference of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil (CMSB). The Assembly was opened last Saturday (10), with a ceremony at Hangar - CCentro de Convenções e Feiras da Amazônia, in the presence of Grand Masters of Masonic Grand Lodges from all the Brazilian states and countries like Colombia and Haiti, and authorities as the Vice-Governor of the state, Odair Correa. The CMSB is organized by the Grand Lodge of the State of Pará (GLEPA). (Diário do Pará).

Source: Diário do Pará

Afternoon of joy and fellowship at the Meeting of Masons's Wives in Belem

As part of the social program of the Annual General Assembly of the CMSB XXXIX, right now takes place (17:37) in the Mangal das Garças, place of events in the region Estação das Docas in Belém of Pará, the Reunion of the Mason's Wives. The event began at 15:00 and gathers all the wives of Masons participating at the Assembly. Between the offering of gifts and souvenirs, all them are spending the afternoon in a ambient of joy, fun and fellowship.

Now there was a break in the schedule and the participants can appreciate a well prepared lunch of the local cuisine. At eight in the evening will be presented the play "Ver de Ver-o-Peso" at the Maria Silvia Nunes Theatre, in the Estação das Docas. The program of tomorrow, 13/07 will open at 8:30 with a Panoramic City Tour, Historic-Cultural and Ecological.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Second day of plenaries and seminars in the programming of the CMSB XXXIX

At this point (9:30) all Grand Masters of the 27th Brazilian Grand Lodges are meeting in the Para Hall, at the Centro de Convenções de Belém do Pará, where takes place the 4th Plenary Session. The Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation - CMI Rafael Eduardo Aragon Guevara, Past Grand Master of the Gran Lodge of Guatemala also participates in the plenary session.

In parallel to the plenary of the Grand Masters tkaes place the Seminar of the Great Secretaries on Foreign Affairs, headed by the Executive Secretary of the Symbolic Masonry of Brazil Confederation, Wanderley Valente.
In the Marajó Hall takes place the presentation and discussions and arguments and in the auditorium of the Centro de Convenções, with public audience follows parallels seminars. A few moments ago (9:45) Brethren Tulio Roberto, of the Grand Lodge of Para, ended his lecture on Citizenship and Social Maturity.

The Division General of the Brazilian Army, Carlos Roberto de Souza Peixoto is helding (10:11) a conference on National Security in the Amazon. The conference series of this day will be closed by Brethren Océlio Moraes, who will speak on Masonic Ethics in the Contemporary Society.

Soon, at 12:00, will take place the Reunion of the Wives of Grand Masters. The event will be held at Mangal das Garças. At 15:00, at Estação das Docas will take place a meeting of the Masons Wifes. Closing the day's program, at 20:00 in the Maria Silvia Nunes Theatre, at Estação das Docas, it will be presented the play Ver de Ver-o-Peso.

Reception to goiana entourage packed the sound of country music

The reception took place last night (11/07) and was marked by great joy and relaxation. Many honors and exchange memories gave a special glow to the party. At the sound of a legitimate country music the paraenses and goianos Brethrens enjoyed the well-organized gathering.

Masonry of Ceara participates at the CMSB XXXIX in Belem, Para

The Freemasonry of Ceara is participating actively at the event. At least 110 Masons, mentioning Etevaldo Barcelos Fontenele, Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of the State of Ceara, compose the delegation. This delegation is one of the biggest attending the event.

Source: Lindomar Rodrigues

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Plenary of the Grand Masters and seminars open to the work schedule XXXIX CMSB

In a few moments will start, from 10:50, in the Pará Hall of the Centro de Convenções de Belém, the second Plenary Session of the Grand Masters participating at the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly. The first Session started at 8:30.

At the same time, only that in the Marajó II Hall, will take place the second Plenary Session of the Grand Secretaries on Foreign Affairs.

Brethren Francisco Pires, Grand Secretary on Foreign Affairs of GLEG

Righ now (10:14) still takes place, in the auditorium, the conference "Family - Tightening and loosening ties us". The speaker is the homeopathic physician with training and Past Life Regression Therapy, Dr. Alberto Almeida.

Ending the cycle of conferences on Sunday, the Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Pará, Brethren Washington Rodrigues will speak on "Ritualistic". The conference of Washington is exclusive to Brethren Masons.

Partnership GLEG-APMR generates international projection of the CMSB XXXIX in Para

Like what happened in 2009 when the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás and the Masonic News Agency of Romania started a partnership, the disclosure of the CMSB XXXVIII General Assembly and later this work was repeated at the Third Reunion of the Grand Lodges the Midwest held in October in Cuiabá-MT, this year also the APMR is reporting online and in real time throughout the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly works, held in Belem, northern Brazil.

In focus (on foot) the APMR international correspondent in Brazil, Brethren Charles Gladston, member of the Mahatma João Racy Lodge nº 28

Once again Brethren Charles Gladston was chosen as official correspondent of the European News Agency in Brazil during this event. "Simultaneously we disclose all programming and both official and social activities in Brazil through our site but also in the world, thanks to this promising partnership with our European Brethrens," said the journalist Brethren.

To monitor the international broadcast of the event just visit the site
At this time (7:45 a.m.) some Brethrens and theirs wifes take the breakfast and in a few moments, from 8:30 a.m. will open the series of conferences and seminars.

The XXXIX General Assembly of the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil started

With the presence of all Grand Masters of the 27th Brazilian Grand Lodges, was now opened at the Hangar do Centro de Convenções da Amazônia state of Para, the XXXIX General Assembly of the CMSB.

Representatives of Freemasonry infrom Haiti and Colombia also attended the event. At the opening, the president of CMSB, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Ruy Rocha de Macedo thanked for the support received from the Grand Masters of all States during its administration and wished success to the new president who assumed, the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Para, José Nazareno Lima.

The new president of CMSB said that organizing the assembly in his state will greatly contribute to the strengthening of Masonry Para. Brethren Nazareno Brothers payed homage to the Masonic pioneers in his state. After this, on behalf of all Grand Masters present, Brethren Joseph Valter dos Santos, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Sergipe and future host of the Assembly, said that the next CMSB General Assembly will take place in his state. Most Worshipful Grand Master of Sergipe wowed attendees with his words. In his speech he stressed the importance of individual contribution in defense of the institutions. He also said that men must change their concepts, because only then the society will evolve in a healthy way. "We need to work the institutions from the stoning of the man and this is the work and the true goal of our Sublime Order" ended.

Tomorrow (Sunday) the program will open at 8:30 with a Plenary Session of the Grand Masters. At the same time, only that in the auditorium, will take place a conference with the theme "Family and Society." At 9.30 will take place a conference with the theme "Family - Tightening and loosening ties us" and at 10.50 will take place a conference on Ritualistic.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The delegation of Goiânia that participates at the CMSB XXXIX is already in the state of Pará

The delegation is composed of 107 Brethrens representing the Masonic Lodges from the capital city and state. The delegation is headed by the Most Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Brethren Ruy Rocha de Macedo.

The goianos left the airport of Santa Genoveva from Goiânia at 7:50 a.m. this Saturday. After a connection in Brasilia, the flight headed straight to Belém, the scene of the CMSB XXXIX General Assembly.

At the local airport, a lot of paraense Brethrens were expressing their joy with the arrival of delegations from all over the country.

Soon will start, at 19:00, the official opening of the Assembly, the Centro de Convenções da Amazônia. At this time (15h:33) the Goiânia delegation arrived at the Expresso XXI Hotel.

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